- General Information and Ownership
Kind Kitchen is the exclusive owner of the website provided to users to provide information about all the products it sells.
- Scope of Application
These Terms and Conditions regulate access to the website offered by Kind Kitchen, as well as its use by the user. However, Kind Kitchen reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration, and content of the website, as well as the conditions required for its access and/or use. Accessing and using the content of the Kind Kitchen website implies acceptance of the established Terms and Conditions.
If you do not agree with the content of the presented Terms and Conditions, the user must immediately refrain from using our website.
In this sense, the user is understood to be the individual who accesses, browses, uses, or participates in the Kind Kitchen website.
- Access
Access to the information of the contents and products on our website, as well as its navigation, is free and does not require users to register or provide their personal data, nor the use of access passwords.
Access to the website is prohibited for individuals under 13 years of age, except those who have prior and express authorization from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for the actions of minors under their care, according to current legislation. In any case, it will be presumed that the access made by a minor under 13 years of age to the Kind Kitchen website was done with the prior and express authorization of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives.
- Copyright and Industrial Property Rights
All content and services on the Kind Kitchen website are the exclusive property of Kind Kitchen or third parties and are protected by Copyright and Related Rights, as well as Industrial Property Rights, according to applicable law. They cannot be used outside the conditions allowed on our website without the prior and express consent of Kind Kitchen.
All texts, images, illustrations, photographs, advertising, trademarks, and other elements of intellectual and industrial property on digital platforms are protected by law. Any copy, reproduction, dissemination, or transmission, use, modification, sale, publication, distribution, or any other total or partial, commercial or non-commercial use, regardless of the means used, is expressly prohibited.
The domain name www.oportoalstore.pt is the exclusive property of Kind Kitchen. Any unauthorized use implies an infringement of the rights conferred by its registration and will result in legal action.
The contents, texts, photographs, drawings, images, logos, computer programs, databases, and, in general, any intellectual creation on our website are protected by copyright under current legislation.
Kind Kitchen authorizes interested parties to use, view, print, download, and store elements inserted in digital platforms exclusively for personal use, provided that their origin and author are respected, using the copyright symbol and/or the indication of industrial property of their legitimate owners. The use of such elements, their reproduction, communication, and distribution for commercial purposes, as well as any type of modification or alteration, is expressly prohibited. For any other use not expressly permitted here, prior consent from Kind Kitchen is required.
The uses authorized by law, including the right to quote, are exempt from the above, provided that their origin and author are clearly identified.
The user of digital platforms undertakes to respect the rights mentioned and to avoid any action that may harm them. Kind Kitchen reserves the right to use all legal means or actions available to defend its legitimate copyright and industrial property rights.
The use of this website for illegal purposes or any other purpose that may be considered detrimental to the image of Kind Kitchen is expressly prohibited.
- Disclaimer
Kind Kitchen rejects any responsibility for any damages, direct, indirect, and/or incidental, resulting from the use or inability to use the contents and services contained on digital platforms.
Kind Kitchen does not guarantee users (i) the continuity of the contents and services on digital platforms; (ii) the absence of errors in said contents; (iii) the absence of viruses and other components that may cause damage to the website or the server that offers it; (iv) the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the website; (v) the damages or losses caused to itself or a third party by any person who violates the conditions, rules, and instructions that Kind Kitchen establishes on the website through the vulnerability of its security systems.
Similarly, Kind Kitchen does not guarantee continuous access or the correct viewing, downloading, or usefulness of the elements and information on its digital platforms that may be obstructed, difficult, or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control.
Kind Kitchen does not guarantee, expressly or implicitly, the quality, accuracy, timeliness, authenticity, or good condition of the contents of its digital platforms and is not responsible for any claims, penalties, damages, direct or indirect, or loss of profits that may arise from the use or inability to use its website or unauthorized access or alteration of the same.
However, Kind Kitchen declares that it has taken all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the current state of technology, to ensure the normal operation of its digital platforms. However, Kind Kitchen does not guarantee the compatibility of the contents of its digital platforms with all computer systems, other devices, and internet browsers existing at the time or that may exist in the future.
Kind Kitchen does not control or is responsible for any illegal, offensive, or defamatory conduct of its users.
- Information and Messages Sent
In case the user sends information of any kind to Kind Kitchen through the website, they declare and guarantee that they have the right to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, or any other third-party right, that such information is not confidential, and that it is not harmful to third parties.
The user assumes responsibility and will indemnify Kind Kitchen for any communication provided personally or on their behalf. In the case of the user sending messages to Kind Kitchen that are published on its digital platforms, including social networks, Kind Kitchen does not assume responsibility for their content and reserves the right to edit them.
Kind Kitchen appeals to the user’s common sense to make any forum on our digital platforms a space for criticism, commentary, and responsibility. When used by minors, they must be assisted by their parents, guardians, or legal representatives.
The use of Kind Kitchen’s services implies the acknowledgment and acceptance of these rules. Kind Kitchen is considered authorized to use all ideas, concepts, techniques, or know-how resulting from user communication through our digital platforms, freely and independently of their purpose, including the development, production, or marketing of products based on that information.
- Hyperlinks
- From Kind Kitchen’s Digital Platforms to Third-Party Platforms
Kind Kitchen clarifies that the hyperlinks, or links, that the user finds on third-party digital platforms through different buttons, banners, etc., hosted on Kind Kitchen’s digital platforms, are managed by third parties. Kind Kitchen does not know, control, or approve all the information, content, products, or services emerging from other digital platforms.
Kind Kitchen assumes no responsibility for any aspect related to third-party digital platforms, on which a link has been established from Kind Kitchen’s digital platforms, specifically and enunciatively, regarding their operation, access, information, quality, and reliability of their products and services, and any type of content in general.
The existence of any type of hyperlink from Kind Kitchen’s digital platforms to another digital platform not owned by us does not imply any kind of relationship, collaboration, or dependence between Kind Kitchen and the responsible parties of external digital platforms.
- From Third-Party Digital Platforms to Kind Kitchen’s Digital Platforms
Any user who wishes to establish a hyperlink from their digital platforms to Kind Kitchen’s digital platforms must comply with the following conditions:
- The hyperlink must be complete, meaning that in no case is it allowed for the web page that creates the hyperlink to imitate or reproduce, in whole or in part, or include the website as part of its page or within a frame or create a “browser” over any of the pages on the web page in such a way as to create a risk of confusion or association, collaboration, or joint venture between the Kind Kitchen website and third-party digital platforms.
- The page establishing the hyperlink may not declare in any way that Kind Kitchen has authorized such a link unless it has done so expressly and in writing.
- Kind Kitchen does not authorize the hyperlink from digital platforms originating from web pages containing illegal, unlawful, degrading, obscene materials, and, in general, contrary to morality, good customs, public order, or that violate the rights of third parties.
- Kind Kitchen reserves the right to prohibit at any time any hyperlink to its digital platforms, and when required, the user will be obliged to modify or immediately remove any hyperlink, content, or distinctive sign owned by Kind Kitchen.
- Cookies
To learn about the rules applicable to cookies, please refer to the Kind Kitchen Cookie Policy.
- Privacy Policy
To learn about Kind Kitchen’s data protection policy, please refer to the Kind Kitchen Privacy Policy.
- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The Terms and Conditions of Use of the Kind Kitchen website, as well as the relationships established between Kind Kitchen and the user, are governed by current Portuguese law.
- Contact and Additional Provisions
For any questions related to these terms and conditions of use of the website, the user should contact Kind Kitchen at the following address and contacts:
Kind Kitchen – Vegan Food, Unipessoal Lda
Rua de Ceuta 80, 4050-189 Porto
+351 221 130 928